Oyster Stew á la LuLu
Lucy Buffett’s Oyster Stew á la LuLu. Makes 11 cups of oyster stew …
Lucy Buffett’s Oyster Stew á la LuLu. Makes 11 cups of oyster stew …
Hush puppies for the win! If you serve hush puppies at your next game-day party, everyone will leave happy no matter the outcome …
The 1/2 Shrimp and 1/2 Oyster Loaf was my mother’s all-time favorite thing to eat at the original Lulu’s. “Because how could you ever decide between a fried shrimp and a fried oyster sandwich?”
A million years ago, when I was a young cook and read any recipe book I could afford, I purchased a paperback Sunset cookbook on Chinese cooking …
Like me, my mother, Peets, had a mighty respectable sweet tooth. Though she wasn’t crazy about cooking, she could make a pretty good dessert …
There really is nothing like the tart little Key Lime. It’s most famous vehicle, the Key Lime Pie is probably one of my favorite desserts …
Spring is upon us and the greens are too! It’s a perfect time of year to enjoy this grits and greens recipe from Gumbo Love. …
Growing up Catholic my family always practiced ‘Fish on Fridays’ during Lent. One place that my folks used to take us to dinner on Fridays was a beloved Mobile, Alabama …
Béchamel was the first fancy sauce I taught myself to make; adding cheese was the next step, and this particular cheese sauce just makes everything absolutely wonderful …
I learned to make this salad years ago when I worked in a deli in Fairhope, Alabama.
It’s the time of year when making a meal without actually cooking can be a blessing as good as a cool breeze.
It’s the time of year when making a meal without actually cooking can be a blessing as good as a cool breeze.
This is one of those recipes that I made up one Summer day …
This Summer Shrimp salad is one of my favorite, easy, summertime dishes.
A recipe for special occasions. This one calls for taking out the fancy plates and napkins.
This rich, comforting, aromatic soup is the perfect thing for a chilly day – whether you’re in the islands or in the mountains.
Crawfish cornbread is a Louisiana dish resembling a southern spoon bread, but features that exotic New Orleans ingredient, crawfish. Fresh water shellfish born in the bayous of Louisiana, crawfish were until recently, impossible to enjoy unless you traveled there. These days, crawfish meat exported from Louisiana is available frozen in
When I wanted to create a memorable signature burger for LuLu’s, I turned to a homemade cheese dip that I serve at home when I have company. Pimento cheese is a Southern food staple; I make mine with a touch of honey ale that gives it a little tang (My
There couldn’t be a more perfect meal for when temperatures drop and families start gathering. This White Bean Turkey Chili warms up my spirits and feels good for the soul. Let me know if you try it in your kitchen! Gumbo Love, Lucy White Bean Turkey Chili Serves 8 2
My pre-teen grandkids are already getting excited about Friday night high school football home games. It’s a big deal in Fairhope where they live. If you’re from a town or state where football is king like it is in Alabama, then you know what I’m talking about. We start getting
It’s 4th of July weekend! If your holiday involves gathering with a group – whether it be at the beach, for a picnic, or a potluck- this beef brisket recipe is PERFECT! Not only does it feed a party, it keeps beautifully and reheats easily. When I have made it