Details can be found HERE.
Details can be found HERE.
The first blooms of spring, always make my heart sing!
I don’t know who said that quote, but it captures my feelings this week. Spring has sprung and it is glorious!
The days are longer, which means more sunshine and more fun at LuLu’s. As I am ever the party-thrower, we have lots of free family fun coming up on the calendar. All three restaurants will be hosting the Easter Bunny on Easter Sunday along with our annual Egg Dash.
Details can be found HERE.
As wonderful as they are, keep in mind that you don’t need to wait for an event to come and make lifelong joyful memories with us. It’s easy to escape at LuLu’s for a few hours while the whole family enjoys the food, drinks, beach, kids’ activities, and live music. Every day at LuLu’s is special!
We can’t wait to host you in North Myrtle Beach, Destin, or Gulf Shores this Spring.
You will find me there, heart singing, and maybe even real singing, and definitely having FUN!
All of my Springtime Gumbo Love,
Lucy’s Blog and Recipes
Spreading Gumbo Love