Hush Puppies

Hush puppies for the win! If you serve hush puppies at your next game-day party, everyone will leave happy no matter the outcome …

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½ Shrimp and ½ Oyster Loaf

The 1/2 Shrimp and 1/2 Oyster Loaf was my mother’s all-time favorite thing to eat at the original Lulu’s. “Because how could you ever decide between a fried shrimp and a fried oyster sandwich?”

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Greens and Grits

Spring is upon us and the greens are too! It’s a perfect time of year to enjoy this grits and greens recipe from Gumbo Love. …

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Gulf Classic Scamp

Growing up Catholic my family always practiced ‘Fish on Fridays’ during Lent. One place that my folks used to take us to dinner on Fridays was a beloved Mobile, Alabama …

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