Another gorgeous sunrise, captured at The Lodge at Gulf State Park

Next weekend we are having the grand finale party of the year-long celebration of LuLu’s 20th year in business (more about that at

It also happens to be my birthday on Thursday. I won’t bore you with the details of my personal birthday numbers, but let’s just say I’ve seen a few sunrises and sunsets in my day.

The list of all that I am grateful for is so long it couldn’t fit it in the New York City Yellow Pages! Every person who has walked through the doors of LuLu’s, every person who has given their time and energy to make the restaurants operate, my business colleagues, my friends, my family, and my love – I’m just grateful beyond words!

Mostly, I’m happy for another sunrise, another day to live this wonderful life surrounded by all of the blessings. Thank you everyone and to the Higher Powers for another day and another trip around the Sun!

For my birthday, in the comments below, drop me a 🎈 and tell me what you’re grateful for this week!

All my Gumbo Love always, LuLu

#thankyouthankyouthankyou #positivetyparty
#attitudeofgratitide #happybirthday #anothersunrise