I have mixed feelings about holidays. I even have a menu chapter in my first cookbook called “UnChristmas Dinner.”
I like to treat every day as if it’s special. Maybe it’s a really creative day and I get a lot done on an idea I’ve had. That’s worthy of celebration. Maybe the tomato on my tomato sandwich is especially juicy and tasty. Definitely worth celebrating.
At LuLu’s we do have a few holiday-centered events, like Billy Claus and Happy Noon Years, and the hard work our staff puts in to pull them off and the smiles on our guests faces are celebration-worthy. But so is the day of rest afterward.
The scramble of the holidays can put me in a tizz. As someone who loves to gift presents, loves to cook, and loves to visit with people, the crazy expectations of the holiday season can sometimes turn these loving activities into anxiety-driven chores.
Here’s my challenge to myself this holiday season, and I’ll share it with you in case you’d like a partner in your attempt to stay calm this time of year.
Take the time to be aware and soak up the good stuff. The way the lights twinkle. The smell of something good baking in the oven. The soft texture of a favorite blanket.
Sing. We listen to Christmas music for weeks on end so that it becomes like background music at a mall. Listen to the words again as you cook or drive and don’t be afraid to turn it up and belt it out!
Take walks. The birds, fish, and plants don’t seem to notice the rest of us are going crazy with Christmas preparations. The way they go about their business as if nothing unusual is happening in the world is grounding.
Keep expectations for yourself but not for what will happen or other people will do. My intention is to see the best in all the people, food, and festivity I come across.
Give thanks every day! Starting from a place of gratitude has an almost magical way of making so much of the icky stuff fall away.
May you have a peaceful, calm, holiday season full of celebrating the good stuff!
I’d love to hear from you—what’s your favorite way to stay calm in the midst of holiday madness?
All my Gumbo Love!