In the South, we have a longstanding tradition of producing one-of-a-kind Crazy Sistas. Like wisteria vines in an otherwise orderly Southern garden, Crazy Sistas don’t really take to being tamed. With a mind and instinct of their own, these Southern vines creep, climb, explore, and spread out where they choose, sometimes running right over the more orderly plants and trees. But just when you think you can’t abide by their wild ways, they break out into magnificent plumes of purple blossoms everyone wants to witness. Their sweet smell and dramatic display draw admiration and attention from even the sternest gardener. They are simply impossible not to love. That being said,
knowing them and loving them ain’t always easy!
Recognizing and Appreciating the Crazy Sistas in Our Lives
When it comes to Crazy Sistas, I like to say, “You either have one, know one, or are one.” In my youth, my brand of crazy showed up as rebellion and – okay , I will just say it – misbehavior. But I’ve learned from my mistakes and today I wear my crazy as a badge of honor and courage. In the world of the Crazy Sista, we know that while we hope to eventually win you over, we don’t always make it easy. The first step in appreciating a Crazy Sista (and learning to live with her) is to recognize her for what she is. Here are a few character traits to look for:
- Rules don’t apply: In fact, a list of rules for a Crazy Sista is more like an invitation to do the opposite. We simply can’t stand to be penned in by arbitrary restrictions.
- There’s no time like the present: Crazy Sistas do not wait around for the “right time.” We live and feel passionately every moment, and if we feel like taking off our shoes and dancing our way down the sidewalk on a Tuesday afternoon, then that’s what we will do. We’ve never minded the staring and pointing. In fact, such responses simply encourage us to keep on going!
- Expression is life: Our creativity must be expressed. This comes in many forms. It could be shoes covered in rhinestones, a yard decorated with all manner of garage sale treasures, a very unique shade of hair color, or a dinner party where you eat dessert first instead of last. Everything we undertake is an adventure in creativity. If you’re going to take the time to do something, make it fun! Make it beautiful! Make it meaningful! Make it sing!
- Normal is boring: We’re not necessarily contrarian—that’s a negative word. It’s more that we see things a little differently than most people. We don’t waste time asking the question why something is the way it is; we simply go test it out in our own way, whether it’s a recipe, advice, directions to a location, or steps on a to-do list someone else gave us. Our way may not end up being “right,” but that’s not really our goal. Our goal is to make it ours, to make it fun, and to make it breathe so that it make sense to us. You can plant us where you want to in the garden and tell us where to grow and when to bloom, but then stand back because no matter what your plans are for us, we will surprise you…delightfully (at least 95 percent of the time)!
How to Love a Crazy Sista
Yes, we Crazy Sistas are unpredictable. Yes, we don’t really follow the rules. Yes, we can be hard to
manage, but I promise you that can be part of our charm, and we are worth all the trouble we may cause! With us, it’s best to let us grow wild. Then you can enjoy the spontaneous moments of joy, fun, and laughter we bring with us wherever we go. You may know what’s best for you; you may even know what’s best for us, but we don’t really care, so there’s no need to get into a huff. Instead of guiding us with directions and to-dos and then being disappointed, nurture us with acceptance, with space to express ourselves, and with trust that we will find our way even if it’s not what you would consider the best way for you. Tell us your thoughts, by all means, but then let us process them and act on them as we will. You may be pleasantly surprised with what we come up with!
How to Be a Crazy Sista
I will admit, there are times when I know I could benefit from cutting back on the crazy just a bit. There are particular tasks and goals that require me to put aside some of my natural tendencies in favor of a more logical way forward, and I am able to focus this way when I need to.
I’ve also found, however, that there are plenty of people who could benefit from emulating the Crazy Sistas in their lives a little more. Letting go of hard and fast rules for a little while can fuel your creativity. It can help you find an outside-the-box solution to a problem that’s been plaguing you. Embracing spontaneous moments of fun and joy can do wonders for your mood, health, and relationships. You don’t always have to be the wild one in the garden, but every now and then climbing a tree that’s off limits or climbing higher than you thought you could can be just the dose of freedom and confidence you need to blossom in a way nobody ever saw coming
At the end of the day, Crazy Sistas are driven by their passion and verve for life. When they learn to listen to the wisdom in their hearts, life unfolds in remarkable ways as they shine their inner light, making the world a brighter more colorful place to live.
All My Gumbo Love,
To get more inspiration from the Crazy Sista and read all about her dessert-first way of thinking and living, look for Lucy’s newest book of recipes and stories, Gumbo Love: Recipes for Gulf Coast Cooking, Entertaining, and Savoring the Good Life.