When Fourth of July falls on a Wednesday, it is hard to know exactly when to celebrate. This year I have taken the opportunity to expand the holiday into Fourth of July Weekend One and Fourth of July Weekend Two. Double the fun!
Weekend One has been filled with family time out on the water. Now that they are seven and officially old enough, it’s been my grandchildren’s first time to get pulled behind the boat on an inner tube. I have admittedly been a complete nervous wreck! I remember being a kid and begging my daddy to “Go faster! Go faster!” I did become a pretty darn good slalom skier back in the day. Funny I never remember any big or traumatic crashes… although I am sure they happened often. And I remember my own children learning ‘the ropes’ having their turns, tirelessly riding and crashing and riding again and again in the wake.
My fear for these little kids is of the rough and tumble that happens when you hit a wave wrong or just lose control. As a side note, we advocate, practice, and teach ultimate boat safety all the time. We are also very conservative boaters compared to some of the daredevils we see out on the water. I know I shouldn’t be so worried, but I can’t stand to think of my little grand babies getting that underwater dunk and a nose and mouth full of water. Even though when it happens, they emerge squealing with laughter, joy, and utter delight, shrieking, “Let’s go again MiMi’s! Let’s go again!”
My daughter called it a rite of passage, which is true. I know in my heart they will become more confident and more skilled the more times they fall and get back up. I guess it’s been more than just a lesson in inner tubing. They’re growing up and I want them to stay babies forever. This weekend of scary firsts (more on my part than theirs… lol) could be considered ‘Summer School of Life Lessons’. At the end of the day, I wouldn’t have it any other way! #MyWaterBabies
Another year has gone by and I swear I feel like we were just celebrating the 2017 4th just a few weeks ago! In addition to fun on the water, there’s still LOTS of Summer celebrating to do around here.
The brisket, the beach, the burgers, and the watermelon await! Of course fireworks on Wednesday.
And then we are going to do it all again next weekend! Let’s hope for less worry and more wind in my hair! HA!
Happy Happy Fourth to all my friends and followers.
Wishing you all LOADS of #SunshineAndPeaceSigns wherever you are!
Tell me how you are celebrating the 4th. And especially what you do when your favorite summer holiday falls on a Wednesday?