This cold snap feels like an April’s Fools joke!
My granddaughter wants to know when it’s going to stop being winter.
This reminds me of some of my mother’s wisdom that she shared in her later years of life. It was early April, a year or so before she died. We were driving past one of the epic pecan orchards in Baldwin County on a beautiful bright sunny day. I was certain that warm weather had settled in for the season. She said, “Oh no. It will be cold again before that.” I asked her why. “When one new green leaf has sprouted on the pecan trees, then the cold is definitely gone.” For the next few weeks I paid close attention to the trees. One more cold snap came. And then the trees sprouted. She was totally right!
I miss her every day.
This time of year, I turn to nature for signs of change and I feel her warm presence like the coming of Summer!
What are some of your sure signs of seasons changing?
Share in the comments!
Lots of love, LuLu