Springing forward. I love how hopeful that sounds. The promise of spring, the season of rebirth, moving ahead to new things. And yet that first morning, unless you set an alarm (you go-getters!), you can’t help but wake up in a little bit of a panic. The morning sun breaks through the windows and you feel like you’re already an hour behind on your day!
But then, later that day, dinnertime rolls around and the sun is still out! And the possibilities for more light in our lives unfold with springtime wonder: eating dinner outside or on the porch, going for an after-dinner walk, fitting in an afternoon boat ride, taking a bike ride with a picnic in your basket, walking to a restaurant instead of driving, watering your plants and enjoying your garden at the end of the end of the day, sitting on the beach with a good book, doing a little after-work fishing, playing outside with the grandchildren. A little more sunlight means a whole lot more to do and experience.
Fall and winter have given us the opportunity to hibernate, to hunker-down and enjoy cozy comfort foods and time for thinking and daydreaming by the fireside under a soft warm blanket. Now spring invites us back outside to use and celebrate all that creative energy we’ve been storing up over the cold dark months—more light for walking, biking, picnicking, boating, fishing, gardening, and playing in the sun.
So when that first panic hits, I’ll remember I’m getting extra time in my day not less. Now, what to do first…
What will YOU do with more light in your life?