Last week I shared the first four of my Ten Grateful Ingredients for a Bright Life and a Happy Kitchen. I call them “grateful” ingredients because the older and wiser I get, the more I understand the blessings and power of gratitude. When you come from a place of thankfulness and appreciation for what you’ve got going for you, it’s hard to be mad, it’s hard to hold a grudge, it’s hard not to smile. When I pause to remember the big things and the small things, one of the big things that comes to mind this time of year is the sacrifice and stalwartness of our veterans, past and present.

My daddy was a veteran of the United States Air Force, and I am still so proud of his service. When I think of what our veterans have endured throughout the generations, I think how there must have been a lot of times when truly a very “little thing” was keeping them just within gratitude’s reach—a letter from home, a picture of a loved one, a warm meal, a cup of hot coffee, a shower. All those things we take for granted must be like Godsends at times for those serving in the armed forces. They can teach us a lot about appreciation for the little things and sacrifice for the freedom the rest of us have to enjoy them.

So, veterans, please know how thankful we are for you. You make our country a place we have so much to be grateful for.

I’ll get back to some more grateful ingredients soon. In the meantime, if you get a chance, thank the veterans among us who know all too well what it means to appreciate the little things in life.

Love, LuLu