As I approach another birthday this week, in addition to thinking “time flies” and “how many years?”, I am also thinking about my birthday road trip menu (more on that later).
As we get older, some of us are discovering that the things in which we once indulged, we just can’t do as often. Anyone experiencing similar situations?
True confession: I’m turning 64 and I still have a raging sweet tooth! And, wouldn’t you know it, as I age I become more sensitive to sugar. But, this will not deter me from the well-earned celebration of having successfully made another turn around the sun.
In Gumbo Love, I wrote,
“I don’t believe in ‘good food’ and ‘bad food.’ I believe in celebrating food, and where there is love, mindfulness, and gratitude, all food is a gift…Approaching any food that we eat or cook with love and gratitude positively charges that food to best support our bodies and minds.”
So this week, since we are on the road, I will have one of my favorite forms of birthday cake…Krispy Kreme Doughnuts! With love, gratitude, and appreciation I will consciously indulge, enjoying every last morsel and sprinkle while counting my infinite blessings! I am beyond grateful for this wonderful life!
How do you enjoy your birthday favorite treat?
#celebrationfood #perfectbite #krispykreme #GumboLove