In 1975 I packed my whole life into a Pinto and drove from Mobile, AL to Key West to start fresh. I write about the journey in the introduction to GUMBO LOVE. It was the time in my life when I had “my first WOW moment in food,” where the seeds were planted for my later life as a food and entertaining entrepreneur and author.
I have always been an experiential learner. I am self-taught at everything (except maybe typing, which is one skill my mother MADE me master in school – thank goodness). I was really winging it back then, as most 20-somethings tend to do—but alas, I survived—and with some really good stories!
Those early experiences at Le Mistral and Louie’s Backyard, where “we were eating fancy food wearing cutoffs and flip flops!” deeply imprinted my psyche and have been direct influences on how my restaurants have evolved into their unique concepts of being “high class, family friendly dives” and how I like to entertain for friends and family at home.
Should I call it ‘Barefoot Fancy’? Or, even more fun… what would you call this style of cooking and entertaining? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Wishing you all an excellent, relaxing day of eating, cooking, or relaxing… whatever strikes your fancy! #GumboLove