‘Thank you’ is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding. ~Alice Walker
I absolutely love this Alice Walker quote about the exquisite importance of expressing thanks. Last week marked exactly one month until Thanksgiving Day and on the 28th, I started a month-long social media gratitude journal – all posts being about something I’m grateful for. I’m using the hashtag #gratitudelulu. Play along with me!
Of course I recognize and am concerned with the troubles of the world. But I also don’t want to ever lose sight of the constantly shining and eternal Lights of hope, joy, and bliss that are as ever present as the sufferings. Expressing also gratitude helps us stay connected to Nature which eases our souls.
Today my gratitude prayer and universal ‘thank you’ is for sunsets. They’re equal parts beauty, symbolism, and simplicity that set my spirit to rest and recharge.
Join me this month in keeping a social media gratitude journal. Tag your photos with #gratitudelulu so that we can share and spread the goodness of becoming more mindful of what’s working in our lives and in the world. Let’s generate more positive energy.
#PeaceLoveAndSunsets #gratutidelulu #gumbolove